Real Estate Safety and Beyond Program Bundle (Day 1 & Day 2)


The Real Estate Safety and Beyond Certification Program covers how to protect your money, your family, your business, and even your life from the dark web, identity theft, cyber scams, physical threats, and data theft to create a safer tomorrow. This package includes two separate courses to make up the Real Estate Safety and Beyond Program.

Real Estate Safety and Beyond Day 1
CE: 8 hours (3 law)
PLE: 3 Technology & Data Security, 2 Risk Management, 1 Disclosure, 2 Electives
GRI Electives: 8 HoursInstructor: Robert Siciliano

In Real Estate Safety and Beyond Day 1, you will complete modules one, two, and three which cover information security, identity theft, and cybercrime.

Real Estate Safety and Beyond Day 2
CE: 8 hours (3 law)
PLE: 3 Agency, 3 Advertising, 2 Electives
GRI Electives: 8 HoursInstructor: Robert Siciliano

Real Estate Safety and Beyond Day 2 is the second course where you will be continuing on to modules four, five, and six. In those modules, you will be learning about personal security, real estate security, and social media security.